
Tune in here for periodic livestream shows and events from the Rise Up Music Project

3/25/2020: Pink Patio live at 5pm PST
Jon Halvorson and Josh Gaedke will be live on Facebook here!

3/24/2020: Matt Halvorson live at 5pm PST
Find Matt’s
Facebook Livestream Here!

Matt’s album, “Sermons,” is available for purchase at, and half of all proceeds from album sales will go to support the teachers at his son’s preschool, Columbia City Preschool of Arts and Culture.
You can also donate directly to Columbia City Preschool through CashApp (@ccpreschool).

3/22/2020: Louie Opatz live at 5pm PST
Find Louie’s
Facebook Livestream Here!

Louie’s album “Buds” is available for purchase here on cdbaby. You can also donate directly to Columbia City Preschool through CashApp (@ccpreschool).