Dec. 5, 2019: "I Pale in Comparison," by Louie Opatz

“I Pale in Comparison”

I don’t read the morning paper.
I don’t watch the evening news.
I don’t buy that I’m unstable.
I’ll give you the right to choose.

It’s hard to be Main Street America’s Dream.
It’s just not me.
Please leave town immediately.
I’ll draw the blinds and lock the door and throw away the key.
Leave me be.

You think know the whole story
’cause you read scoops and exposes.
I think reading’s dull and boring.
I’d rather close my eyes and pray.

It’s hard to be Main Street America’s Dream.
It’s just not me.
Please leave town immediately.
I’ll draw the blinds and lock the door and throw away the key.
Leave me be.

Leave me be!


Dec. 6, 2019: "Double Doubles," by Cee Goods


Dec. 4, 2019: "Hypnic Jerk," by Mr. Ben