March 6, 2019: "Tom Waits for No-one," by Mr. Ben and Friends

March 6, 2019: "Tom Waits for No-one," by Mr. Ben and Friends

All lyrics aside from the ever-present chorus were taken from overheard snippets of friends’ conversations during a Mardi Gras get-together. We then all grabbed instruments and improvised a song. It couldn’t’ve been done without the joyful-no-matter-how-reluctant participation of:

Tara on Flute, Nate on Baritone, Sarah on Keys, Davíd on Gong, Rachel on Snare and HiHat, Shannon on Tamborine, Simon on Bongos, Maya on Thundertube, Shawn + Carson + Jenna + Blake on other various percussion or just standing there being supercool. Last but not least, Graham on Recording/Notebookholding. It truly takes a village.

March 7, 2019: "Out of Sorts," by Louie Opatz

March 7, 2019: "Out of Sorts," by Louie Opatz

March 5, 2019: "I, My Favorite Bridge," by Matt Halvorson

March 5, 2019: "I, My Favorite Bridge," by Matt Halvorson